Educational Master Plans and District-wide Strategic Plan

At the March 21, 2023, Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved an update to BP 3250 Institutional Planning, stating that the District Strategic Plan and College Educational Master Plans must be renewed at least every seven years. As a result, these planning documents have been extended from 2021–2026 to 2021–2027.

EMP Banner with Students

The Educational Master Plans (of the Colleges) and overarching District-wide Strategic Plan are integral to CLPCCD’s planning and resource allocation processes and demonstrate how we support our Board’s priorities and the California Community College system’s Vision for Success goals. As early as fall 2019, we were actively preparing for coherent and cohesive planning in 2020, as per Board Policy 3250. The District’s emphasis on planning is even more critical now given the considerable level of uncertainty and the demand for uncommon innovations due to the impact of the coronavirus-19 pandemic (COVID-19) on our Bay Area community and the world-at-large.

To view the Chabot College and Las Positas College Educational Master Plans and District-wide Strategic Plan, click on the links to the right.

Click here to read the District's Mission Statement.

District-wide Strategic Directions 2021-2026

Crosswalk of CLPCCD Board Priorities to
District Strategic Plan (DSP) and College Educational Master Plans (EMPs)

Support for the DGCC provided by consultant group: Signature Solutions Corporate Results, LLC

State Vision 2030