District Enrollment Management Committee
District Enrollment Management Committee
District Enrollment Management Committee
DEMC is a committee created out of the Faculty Association-CLPCCD Contract. As such, it is not a part of districtwide governance. The charge of this committee is to establish annual productivity and FTES targets to recommend to the Chancellor. This annual action item of the committee is posted online when it becomes finalized. In addition, the targets approved by the Chancellor are reported to the IPBM-PBC, and become the basis for funding allocations and the Annual Budget.
The DEMC shall be composed of six (6) representatives appointed by the Faculty
Association, including a minimum of one (1) Faculty representative from each College
Enrollment Management Committee (CEMC) described in Article 26E below; two (2) of the faculty representatives must come from the Counseling Disciplines, one (1) from
each college. Additionally, six (6) representatives of the District appointed by the Chancellor,
including each College President or their designee, and two (2) appointees from the
Counseling area, one (1) from each college, and appropriate non-voting staff as necessary.
The DEMC shall have appropriate support services and unimpeded access to all relevant
data. Additional nonvoting members are appointed to meet with this committee four times
per year.
This group meets monthly, from August (Convocation Day) to May, except in January. Meetings may be cancelled or added as appropriate.